MST Golf Lauded as Southeast Asia’s Best Golf Retailer at Asian Golf Awards in Vietnam

Last week’s 2022 Asia Pacific Golf Summit in Vietnam served as the stage for MST Golf to be recognised as the top golf retailer in Southeast Asia.

MST Golf was declared the Best Golf Retailer in the region during the 22nd Asian Golf Awards, which followed the 14th edition of the Asia Pacific Golf Summit (APGS) at the plush Hoiana Resort and Golf in Quang Nam province on November 1-3. The award is the latest addition to over forty categories and recognises an organisation for its professionalism, size and vision in serving the golf market in Southeast Asia.

Mike Sebastian, owner and executive producer of APGS 2022, said: “The award serves as the ultimate recognition and validation of MST Golf’s place in golf – it is an organisation that has worked hard and strived for excellence and it is without doubt a world-class organisation in the golf retail trade.”

The largest golf retailer in the region with more than 40 locations in Malaysia and Singapore, MST Golf’s businesses also cover brand management and distribution, golf academies, event management, corporate merchandising, indoor golf centres, tech shops and driving ranges.

With delegates from over 27 countries represented at APGS 2022, the international summit on the business of golf was acclaimed by delegates as being the finest of its kind. The keynote speaker was David Abeles, President and CEO of TaylorMade Golf.

Renowned golf guru, author and golf personality extraordinaire Andrew Wood said, “I have spoken at all major international conferences on golf, and nothing comes close to APGS for quality of speakers, content, slick staging and production, food and most importantly for setting a mood and ambience that is excellent for trade networking.

“And the awards programme, it is unmatched anywhere for its grandeur, pomp and glorious sense of celebration – simply the best there is!”

Inaugurated in 2007, the Asian Golf Awards is the longest standing recognition event of its kind in the Asia Pacific region and is widely regarded as the “Oscars” for the golf industry. The 2022 edition featured a total of almost 40 award categories classified under the Gold, Silver and Bronze Award of Excellence citations.


Source: Golf Matters

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