All change starts from within. We strive to become a leading, modern employer that promotes productivity, wellbeing, and inclusivity among employees to sustain more meaningful impacts.
2023 Key Highlights and Progress
For the full report, please refer to our Sustainability Statement in our 2023 Annual Report.
Prioritising employee health and safety
Recorded zero number of fatalities of work-related injury and work-related ill health and trained 622 employees on health and safety standards.
Fostering employee upskilling and capacity building
Provided a total of 9,253 employee training hours, covering diverse topics such as governance, health and safety, leadership and sustainability.
Championing workplace diversity
Recorded more than 60% women in senior management.
Our Targets
Maintain zero employee workplace lost time injury and fatality cases
Training Hours
Achieve at least an average of 20 training hours per year per employee
Women Employees
Maintain at least 30% women employees in the senior management level
Our Strategies
Safety First, Always
Foster a safe work environment and maintaining zero workplace-related injuries.
Happy and Healthy Employees
Enhance our employees’ wellbeing by addressing their physical and mental health at work.
Diversity in Action
Embrace workplace diversity and inclusivity to drive innovation, problem-solving and business success.
Growing Together
Foster continuous learning and advancement among employees by providing training, upskilling and career development pathways.
Enhance Staff Productivity
Adopt a spirit of continuous improvement to create more efficient and effective processes and systems and a winning organisational culture.
High Labour Standards
Ensure fair treatment and protection for all employees, providing fair wages, safe working conditions, and balanced work hours.
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